Vaea nd Rasoth - Book of the Everlasting, V1

 In the beginning there were two known as Vaea and Rasoth.

Rasoth was a raging torrent of destruction filled with anger and hate. It was a violent storm aching to seed chaos. Vaea was a calm ebb and flow, its gentleness meandered calmly like a morning fog.

Together they were bound among the everlasting, aware of each other yet never seeming to collide. They were two of the same yet vastly unalike.

Rasoth had known of Vaea, as though knowing was a part of it, yet this knowing brought confusion and anger. Vaea also knew of Rasoth, yet its knowing brought Vaea awe at such powerful majesty. Rasoth could not understand Vaea, nor Vaea to Rasoth. They were two of the same, yet vastly unalike. So Rasoth closed in to consume Vaea.

Vaea, sensing Rasoth’s tumultuous fury approaching, opened to envelop Rasoth to quell its destructive torment, and from their union Vaeoth was born, bringing forth a vast, empty void.

Vaeoth had nothing, albeit the sense that there was nothing. Vaeoth was an empty shell devoid of light and substance, nothing encased with nothing. It was as though the echo had nowhere to turn from and nothing to return to. It could not understand the void within, for there was no means for this to be so.

Rasoth had travelled the everlasting and found Vaeoth, who vied to consume it and destroy the influence of Vaea. Instead, Rasoth had discovered Vaeoth was neither it nor Vaea, that neither had spread their influence within Vaeoth. As Rasoth approached, Vaeoth felt Rasoth could fill the space within it and consumed Rasoth, and Rasoth’s anger turned to fear.

From Rasoth’s fear bathed in Vaeoth’s apathy, Raeoth had emerged, leaving trails of matter and gas in its wake. Vaeoth was saddened by its existence that the emergence of it brought substance to being with naught to harrow its calling and released Rasoth back unto the everlasting, where it fled to a distant corner, dishevelled and confused.

For Raeoth, there was no void, though it seemed as no less. Raeoth wandered the everlasting in search of what it believed was missing. There was a sadness within Raeoth, and it was murky and thick, yet eternally swirling.

Vaeoth was still empty, yet Rasoth had taken something from it. How something can be taken from nothing caused Vaeoth to stir, as though Rasoth had left a part of itself behind. Something within Vaeoth was detached, swirling around within its existence. Vaeoth tried desperately to pull itself apart to free the pain of what was missing and what was left behind, yet Vaea came and cradled Vaeoth in its serene embrace. It was not nothing, after all, for that nothing has not the ability to understand itself unlike Vaeoth. Vaeoth wept and re-emerged as Vasea, and from this weeping it felt proud of its newfound understanding. There was a sense to its existence. A weight. Vasea was filled with pride by this, and it danced across the everlasting.

As Vasea danced, it brushed against Raeoth and paused, for what it encountered was akin to something it had sensed before. The potent rage nor the quiet content of Vaea and Rasoth did not exist within Raeoth. What Vasea experienced, though unknown, was familiar, as Raeoth lacked, yet it wandered all the same as though it understood something was missing. Vasea knew, for it used to lack something once before.

Vasea calmly, yet decisively moved around Raeoth and gazed upon it. A force within Raeoth stirred as it watched Vasea, and whereupon their gazes met that this force gave way to a fierce need to commune with Vasea. Its murkiness gained momentum, the call to collide with the other was desperate and certain. Vasea felt the same, and together they moved with one another.

From their bonding, a brightness shone between them, a blinding energy spanning across the everlasting. Vasea and Raeoth shied away from what they unwittingly created and what stayed behind was Rasea. Rasea was certain, proud and mighty. It carried within it a strength, a knowing of self that remained unwavering despite being left by those which created it.

Vaea, in its quiet contemplation, stirred. Rasoth’s fury grew like a thunderstorm. Almost in unison, they turned to the source of that which illuminated the everlasting. Whatever it may be, both of them had equally determined their influence was needed. Rasea did not move, for there was no need to. Whether it be where it stay of elsewhere, Rasea would still be bathed in its own glow. From a place where it shone, two shadows emerged and caused it to waver ever so slightly, but enough for Rasea to face them.

Vaea closed in, pushing Rasoth away, causing Rasea to shine brighter against it. Vaea burned and pushed through regardless, its gentle harmony flowing around it. As Vaea began to cradle Rasea, some of the light gained substance, and Rasea did not understand why, or if that substance had cause. Almost by instinct, Rasea escaped Vaea and fled, the light within gaining direction, heading toward a point in the everlasting, albeit gradually. Rasoth engulfed Vaea and spat it out behind, careening in all directions to ensure Rasea could not escape. As Rasea grew lost, Rasoth’s fury made contact and some of that light had dimmed. Though the light had tried to push it away, giving Rasoth’s form a newfound aspect, Rasea suddenly felt cold and alone. Determined to stay whole and pure, Rasea burned a hole through Rasoth and made pain and fear cascade through it, wherein Rasea raced with all its might away from either of them.

Rasea did not pause to see a glimpse of Vasea, sensing within it a pride that it could understand. Seeking help, Rasea turned toward it. Vasea was hesitant, yet not afraid. Perhaps the hesitation was due to only knowing of itself and the others, but what Vasea saw in Rasea reminded it of when Rasoth had taken part of it away. Vasea moved between Rasea and the onslaught of Vaea and Rasoth, where Rasea’s warmth gave Vasea a new understanding, and the weight of Vasea’s pride gave Rasea meaning. Together, against the cavalcade of the two whose existence culminated in the everlasting, in a point well beyond the facet of time, a splash of colour emerged. It was known as Raesoth.

Raesoth knew how it came to be, but it didn’t know what for. It felt pride, happiness, sadness, confusion, anger and fear, yet why these existed within it gave Raesoth nothing more than the first question, and that is why. Why does Raesoth exist? What motivated Vasea and Rasea to commune in this way, where Raesoth now exists? Raesoth saw Vaea and Rasoth and felt pity for them, for their simplicity gave them cause to act in a certain way and yet neither understood whether or not they had any justification. Despite this, why do they exist? If Vasea and Rasea gave Raesoth form and existence, then surely they, too, would have their origin. Regardless, they gave Raesoth fear, and it respected them and their involvement greatly. In a way, Raesoth would not exist without them.

Raesoth turned to each and posed this question unto the everlasting and no answer was heard. It was met with confusion, concern, rage, sadness, pride at the first and all of that brought silence. Raesoth watched Vaea approach and knew it wasn’t needed, felt Rasoth’s rage grow closer and understood it was no longer required. They came, anyway, and Raesoth knew they would quell the curiosity borne within it. So, on a distant shape at the far end of the everlasting, now littered with all manner of things by the battles and love shared by its predecessors, Raesoth fled and became one with that shape, which bound itself to the orbit of a star with many others. There was something here on this shape that might have drawn Raesoth to it, but upon this binding the shape had resonated, changing both forever. Maybe in time, at the end of time, this question will one day be answered. As a deer chews on some grass upon this shape known by its inhabitants as the earth, unbeknownst to the possibility, Raesoth slumbers, pondering as its predecessors watch on from the everlasting.


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