
Showing posts from February, 2022

Vaea nd Rasoth - Book of the Everlasting, V1

 In the beginning there were two known as Vaea and Rasoth. Rasoth was a raging torrent of destruction filled with anger and hate. It was a violent storm aching to seed chaos. Vaea was a calm ebb and flow, its gentleness meandered calmly like a morning fog. Together they were bound among the everlasting, aware of each other yet never seeming to collide. They were two of the same yet vastly unalike. Rasoth had known of Vaea, as though knowing was a part of it, yet this knowing brought confusion and anger. Vaea also knew of Rasoth, yet its knowing brought Vaea awe at such powerful majesty. Rasoth could not understand Vaea, nor Vaea to Rasoth. They were two of the same, yet vastly unalike. So Rasoth closed in to consume Vaea. Vaea, sensing Rasoth’s tumultuous fury approaching, opened to envelop Rasoth to quell its destructive torment, and from their union Vaeoth was born, bringing forth a vast, empty void. Vaeoth had nothing, albeit the sense that there was nothing. Vaeoth was an empty

Where Did it All Go Wrong?

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